bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)博士生學位論文及學位申請成果公示 2021-05-12 個人信息: 姓名:劉艾青 專業(yè):工商管理 學號:4116008055 班級:博1641 導師:舒成利教授 學位論文題目: 聯(lián)盟組合中競合策略與焦點企業(yè)IPO績效的關(guān)系研究 學位申請成果目錄: [1]Shu, Chengli,Liu, Aiqing, Nakata, Cheryl. How does face influence the purchase of imitative new products? Moderating roles of product design characteristics[J]. Psychology & Marketing, 2020, 37(11): 1601-1618.(SSCI;ABS 3;bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)最有學術(shù)影響力的國際期刊279;bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)期刊列表B刊126) [2]劉艾青,舒成利,高山行.3D打印技術(shù)的應用對企業(yè)創(chuàng)新獨占的挑戰(zhàn)與對策研究[J].軟科學,2019,33(4):86-90.(CSSCI) [3]Liu, Aiqing, Shu, CL. Xiao ZX. How Do Entrepreneurial Orientation and Political Ties Collectively Influence Corporate Reputation? The Moderating Roles of Institutional Environments [C]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, USA, 2021.(高水平國際會議) [4]Liu, Aiqing, Shu, CL. The Paradox in Purchasing Imitative New Products: Roles of Consumer Dialectical Thinking, Product Design, and National Culture[C]. Marketing Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, USA, 2021. [5]Liu, Aiqing, Shu, CL. Liu JX. International Venturing, Green Entrepreneurship, and Firm Performance[C]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, 2018.(高水平國際會議) 公示時間: 2021年5月12日