bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)博士生學位論文及已發(fā)表論文目錄公示(朱佳雯) 2020-01-08 個人信息: 姓名:朱佳雯 專業(yè):管理科學與工程 學號:4114008025 班級:博1435 導師:馮耕中教授 學位論文題目: 家長式領(lǐng)導對員工信息安全政策遵從行為的影響機制研究 已發(fā)表論文目錄: [1]Feng, G., et al., How Paternalistic Leadership Influences IT Security Policy Compliance: The Mediating Role of the Social Bond [J]. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2019. 20(11): p.1650-1691. doi:10.17705/1jais.00581 (bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)最具學術(shù)影響力期刊,bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)A類期刊) [2]Zhu, J., G. Feng, and H. Liang, How Paternalistic Leaders Motivate Employees’ Information Security Policy Compliance? Building Climate or Applying Sanctions [C], in Asia Pacific Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). 2019: Xi’an, China. [3]Zhu, J., et al., Should Leaders Friend Their Subordinates in Social Media Network Site? Based on the Theory of Social Capital and Planned Behavior [C], in Asia Pacific Conference on Information Systems, Doctoral Consortium. 2019: Xi’an, China. [4]Zhu, J., G. Feng, and K.L. Tsui, Motivating Employees’ Information Security Compliance: Leadership Style or Protection Motivation? [C], in INFORMS Annual Meeting. 2018: Phoenix, USA. [5]Zhu, J., et al., Is Leader-Subordinate Non-Work Social Media Interaction A Good Thing? [C], in The Sixth International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science. 2018: Dalian, China. [6]Zhu, J., et al., How Paternalistic Leadership Influences It Security Policy Compliance: Protection Motivation or Social Bond? [C], in The Sixth International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science. 2018: Dalian, China. 公示時間: 2020年1月8日