博士生歸國報告 2017-09-19 匯報時間:9月21日,周四,14:00匯報地點(diǎn):管院110教室匯報人及匯報主題:1. CSC項(xiàng)目:3人1) 曹斌斌:Choice of hybrid policies: implications for waste-based supply chains2) 陳聰:Scheduling problems of jobs with favorite machines3) 馬志強(qiáng):Robust project scheduling2. 學(xué)校短訪項(xiàng)目:4人1) 劉慧:Pending litigation and auditor change2) 王瑞琪:Global patent strategy and internationalization3) 郭巧真:Dynamic pricing of new experience goods in the presence of dual-channel social learning and online reviews manipulations4) 張真真:Managerial responses to employee voice3. AOM會議:7人1) 張曉潔:Openness to experience and knowledge co-creation on wikis: the moderating role of psychological safety and critical opinion sharing2) 王婷:The effects of organizational controls on innovation modes: an ambidexterity perspective3) 李潔:Leader humility and employee voice: an identification perspective4) 王玲玲:Entrepreneurial learning, novelty-centered business model design, and new venture growth5) 肖振鑫:Release the kraken: probing the curvilinear moderation effects of mature firms’ dual institutional capital on the relationship between two-staged innovation capabilities and innovativeness6) 王娟:Exploring applicant and employee reactions to misaligned external and internal CSR7) 王欣:Community and corporate philanthropic giving4. 3A會議:4人1) 方瑞瑞:Credit default swap and earnings management2) 薛曉琳:Do political connections accelerate firm innovation? Evidence from two types of political connections in China3) 許碩磊:Political connection, internal control and firm value4) 仇萌:Officials' political expectation and over – investment