2018年INFORMS博士生歸國報告 2018-11-12 匯報時間:11月13日,周二下午3:00匯報地點:管院350教室匯報人及匯報主題:INFORMS會議:5人1)柴強飛:Optimal carbon abatement strategy under cap-and-trade2)王巍:Too much is not a good thing: the inverted U-shaped effects of average tie strength and spanning structural holes exerted on intra-organizational knowledge absorption and transfer3)朱佳雯:Motivating employees’ information security compliance: leadership style or protection motivation ?4)程棟:A minimum cost consensus model for social network group decision-making problems with incomplete linguistic preference relation5)謝睿堯:Understanding the positions, activeness and contributions in online task-oriented community network