bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)博士研究生歸國報告通知(2023.11) 2023-11-06 報告時間:2023年11月8日(星期三)上午9:30 報告地點:管院350會議室 報告內(nèi)容及時間安排: 姓名 報告題目 類別 楊怡凡 Enhancing Hourly Day-Ahead Price Prediction in Integrated Electricity Markets: A Dynamic Dependence Structure and Graph Neural Network Approach CIE會議 楊業(yè)成 Analysis of Forecast-Commitment Business Model for Cloud Energy Storage System under Peak-Valley TOU Tariff and Two-Part Tariff Mechanism CIE會議 關(guān)皓云 CVC or IVC: Financing choice of a high-tech start-up based on behavioral game CIE會議 魏芳 Analyzing Group Movement Patterns Using Hotel Check-in Data: A Case Study from Yunnan, China CIE會議 施富華 Examining the Impact of Air Pollution on Urban Mobility Using Hotel Check-in Records CIE會議 孫喬 The platform bias in influence factors of online review helpfulness CIE會議 備注:報告時間20分鐘/人。請報告人認真梳理總結(jié),針對參與項目結(jié)合ppt文稿做10-15分鐘的匯報,其余時間做問答討論。