百年南開 百年商科——南開大學商學院誠聘全球英才 2019-10-30 單位名稱:南開大學商學院崗位名稱:助理教授 / 副教授 / 全職教授、師資博士后、博士后教學/研究領域:企業(yè)管理、會計學、財務管理、戰(zhàn)略管理、項目管理與技術經(jīng)濟、市場營銷、人力資源管理、運營管理、數(shù)據(jù)科學、物流與供應鏈管理、信息管理與信息系統(tǒng)、電子商務、工業(yè)工程、信息資源管理及相關研究領域南開商科:1919年10月17日,伴隨著五四運動的春風,南開大學正式建校,首任校長張伯苓先生提出“文以治國,理以強國,商以富國”的辦學理念,開創(chuàng)了中國近代商科教育的先河。百年以來,南開商科始終聚焦于學術前沿和重大社會需求,以厚重理論回應重大現(xiàn)實問題,擁有國家重點學科、國家重點研究基地、國家社科創(chuàng)新基地和教育部人文社科重點研究基地,在管理學、創(chuàng)業(yè)管理和公司治理等研究領域領先全國。1998年創(chuàng)辦首份由高校商學院主辦的管理類學術刊物《南開管理評論》,2007年工商管理一級學科在全國學科評估中并列第三名。南開大學商學院于2013年通過AMBA國際認證,于2014年通過中國高質量MBA教育認證,于2016年通過AACSB國際認證,2017年工商管理一級學科在全國第四輪學科評估中獲評A等。配套支持: (1)南開大學提供具有競爭力的薪酬待遇,以及對工資和福利、啟動資金、住房等方面的特殊支持,應聘師資將與學校簽訂個性化合同。同時,學校也有“百名青年學科帶頭人培養(yǎng)計劃”等人才項目,吸引有較強研究成果或潛力的學者,并給予額外的福利,如較高的薪酬和科研經(jīng)費等。學校配備周轉住房、師資優(yōu)良的幼兒園(在校內),附屬小學(天津市知名小學)、附屬中學(市級重點中學)和附屬醫(yī)院等設施,努力營造人才安心工作的發(fā)展環(huán)境。(2)天津市2018年出臺《天津市“海河英才”行動計劃》,為來津主持國家級研發(fā)平臺和重大創(chuàng)新項目的諾貝爾獎獲得者、國內外院士等頂尖人才,采取“一人一策”方式給予特別支持;為引進全職頂尖人才提供200萬元獎勵基金和1000萬元科研經(jīng)費,為其他來津人才,對應相應條件,提供獎勵資助、科研經(jīng)費、來津洽談交流平臺和子女教育等方面的支持,全面助力在津單位的引才工作。詳情請參見天津市人才工作網(wǎng),網(wǎng)址:https://www.tjrc.gov.cn/FileCourier/FileCouriersList.aspx應聘要求:(1)成功應聘的助理/副教授/全職教授、師資博士后、博士后,將于2020年8月1日上崗(特殊情況可協(xié)商)。(2)申請人應在2020年8月1日之前在相關領域獲得博士學位,有潛力進行高質量的研究和教學,有望在頂級學術期刊上發(fā)表論文,并教授本科生和研究生課程。(3)應聘者請將最新的簡歷、代表性論文和相關教學評價通過電子郵件發(fā)于shangxybgs@nankai.edu.cn;咨詢電話/微信:13652057906;獲批候選人將有資格參加2019年南開國際人才論壇商科學者論壇,論壇將于2019年12月4日至12月6日在中國天津舉辦,屆時會進行學術交流與專場面試。我們將會為論壇參與人報銷在津住宿費用、國內往返交通費用,國外交通費用將獲得部分支持。 Business School of Nankai University is looking for global talents Organization: Business School, Nankai University, PR ChinaPosition Title: Assistant / Associate / Full Professor, Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Postdoctoral FellowTeaching / Research Preferences:Business management, Accounting, Corporate Finance, Strategy Management, Project Management and Technology Economy, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Operation Management, Data Science, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Information management and information system, E-commerce, Iustrial Engineering, Information Resource Management and related research fields. Nankai Business School:On October 17, 1919, with the spring breeze of the May 4th Movement, Nankai University was officially established. Mr. Zhang Boling, the first president of Nankai University, put forward the school concept of "governing the country by culture, strengthening the country by science, and enriching the country by business", which blazed a trail in modern business education in China. Over the past hundred years, Nankai business scholars has always focused on the academic frontier and major social needs, and responded to vital-real problems with profound theories. It has one national key discipline, one national key research base, one national social science innovation base and one key research base of Humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of education, as the front position of research fields like management, entrepreneurship and corporate governance across the whole country.In 1998, Nankai Business Review, the first management academic journal was sponsored by Business School of Chinese Universities, was founded. In 2007, the first-level discipline of Business Administration ranked the third in China Discipline Ranking. Business School of Nankai University has earned AMBA Accreditation in 2013, Chinese Advanced Management Education Accreditation (CAMEA) in 2014 and AACSB Accreditation in 2016. In 2017, the first-level discipline of Business Administration ranked A-level in the fourth round of China Discipline Ranking. Support:(1) Nankai University provides strong and long-term support for faculty members by offering competitive remuneration package and special support in salary and benefits, start-up funding, housing support, etc. The employees will sign a personalized contract with the University. At the same time, the University has special talent programs such as “100 Young Talent Scholar Program” to attract scholars with strong research records or potential. Candidates selected in such programs enjoy additional benefits such as higher salary and research fund. Meanwhile the University provides turnover houses, a high-quality kindergarten (inside the school), an affiliated primary school (well-known primary schools in Tianjin), an affiliated middle school (Municipal key secondary school), an affiliated hospital and other facilities, striving to create a development environment where talents can focus on their research.(2) Tianjin issued the Action Plan of "HAIHE talents" in 2018, which provided special support to top talents including Nobel laureates and academicians who are in charge of national R & D platforms and major innovation projects in the way of "one person, one policy". The Action Plan announced to provide two million yuan bonus fund and ten million yuan research funding for the introduction of full-time to top talents. The Action Plan provided other talents with support in terms of award, research funding, communicative platform and children's education in accordance with corresponding conditions. For details, please refer to Tianjin talent work website at https://www.tjrc.gov.cn/FileCourier/FileCouriersList.aspx Requirements:(1)Applicants appointed as Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow and Post-doctoral Fellow should register and begin work before August 1, 2020, and special circumstances can be negotiable.(2)Applicants, with potential for high-quality research and teaching, should have a Ph.D. degree in related areas before August 1, 2020. The appointee should publish in top-tier academic journals and teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses.(3)Applicants should send an up-to-date C.V., representative research papers, and relevant teaching evaluation to email: shangxybgs@nankai.edu.cn. Telephone or WECHAT for consulting is 13652057906. The promising candidates will be qualified for the Business Scholars Forum of Nankai International Talent Forum and interviews with candidates will held at the Forum in Tianjin China from December 4-6, 2019. We will reimburse the forum participants for their accommodation expenses in Tianjin, travel expenses in China, and part of international travel expenses will be included.