題目:How Mergers and Acquisitions Increase Data Breaches: A Complexity Perspective 2023-07-13 題目:How Mergers and Acquisitions Increase Data Breaches: A Complexity Perspective 主講人:梁會剛 教授 美國孟菲斯大學 時間:7月17日,下午14:00 地點:bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)313會議室 報告內(nèi)容簡介:This study examines how M&As of a firm influence its number of data breaches. Drawing from complexity theory and matching theory, we propose that M&As increase data breaches and this effect is contingent on the M&A diversity (dissimilarity between the parent and target firms). Based on the 18-year panel data (2004-2021) of 5072 public firms in the United States, we find that more M&A events by a firm lead to more data breaches. More important, we reveal that the number of data breaches is amplified if the parent and target firms are dissimilar in terms of their business domains. This finding is confirmed when we conceptualize M&A diversity as size discrepancy between the parent and target firms or strategic type difference (vertical vs. horizontal M&A). Furthermore, we explore the mechanisms through which M&As influence data breaches from two additional perspectives: M&A media publicity, and target vulnerability. Our analyses demonstrate that M&As that have attracted higher media publicity suffer from more data breaches, but M&As involving a more vulnerable target firm result in fewer data breaches than those involving a less vulnerable target firm. This study not only confirms the impact of M&As on data breach recurrence but also unveils various underlying mechanisms of this impact, thus making a significant contribution to both research and practice in information systems.個人簡介:Huigang Liang is FedEx Chair of Excellence in IS at Fogelman College of Business and Economics, University of Memphis. His research interests include socio-behavioral, managerial, and strategic information technology issues at both individual and organizational levels in a variety of contexts. His work has appeared in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, Journal of AIS, MIT Sloan Management Review, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Journal, and Journal of Strategic Information Systems, among other publications. He has served as associate editor for MISQ and is currently senior editor for JAIS and associate editor for ISR and Information & Management. His research has been funded by FedEx, NIH, and Sloan Foundation.