香港城市大學(xué)Richard Fung 教授系列講座 2017-06-13 【講座題目】:Airport Safety,Security and Business ContinuityManagement【講座摘要】:Amidst increasing demands for highersafety, security and businesscontinuity standards in airport operations, thiscourse aims at equippingstudents with theknowledge, ability and skill to plan, design, develop andimplementrelated regulatory and contingency framework / systems in theairtransportation sector.【講座地點】:bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)315室 【講座時間】: 2017年 6月13日(上午) 9:30-11:30 Lecture 1(1-hour) · Introduction:The regulatory framework onenvironmental, occupational health and atcontemporary airports Lecture 2 (1-hour) · Qualityassurance of air transportationsafety systems on data analysis, accidents /incident recording, reporting andstatistics, etc. 【講座時間】: 2017年 6月13日(下午) 15:00-17:00 Lecture 3 (1-hour) · Humanfactors in aviation safety: managinghuman error, engineering controlstrategies, administrative control strategies Lecture 4 (1-hour) · Regulatory Framework on Emergency Planning 【講座時間】: 2017年 6月14日(上午) 9:30-11:30 Lecture 5 (1-hour) · Foundations of security: security and rulesof law,US law and foreign domestic law comparison, role of technology Lecture 6 (1-hour) · Business Continuity Planning (BCP) andCrisisManagement in the Air Transportation Sector 【講座時間】: 2017年 6月14日(下午) 15:00-17:00 Lecture 7 (1-hour) · Design and develop a BCP : Case Study – HongKongInternational Airport · Crisis Management in Civil Aviation Lecture 8 (1-hour) · Emergency Response Operations at CommandCentre,Accident Site, Passenger / FamilyReception Centre · Media Management and Humanitarian Assistancein the event of anaviation emergency 【RecommendedReading】: Sweet, K M (2004), Aviation and Airport Security: Terrorism and SafetyConcerns, Prentice-Hall. Wells,A T and Rodriguez, C C (2004), Commercial Aviation Safety, McGrawHill. AndersonJ and Gill R (2007), Aircraft Accidents: A Practical Guide forResponders,Thomson Learning.