美國密歇根大學(安娜堡)吳迅(Brian Wu)助理教授學術(shù)報告 2013-06-24 題 目:Organizational Constraints to Adaptation: Intra-Firm Asymmetry in the Locus of Coordination.報告人:美國密歇根大學安娜堡分校 吳迅助理教授時 間:2013年6月25日(星期二)上午10:30-12:00地 點:bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)313室吳迅(Brian Wu)博士簡介:吳迅博士是美國密歇根大學安娜堡分校羅斯商學院戰(zhàn)略系助理教授,于2007年獲得賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院博士學位。吳博士當前主要研究方向為:公司戰(zhàn)略、企業(yè)能力、創(chuàng)新與企業(yè)家精神等。吳博士從2006年至今已經(jīng)在管理學頂級期刊Strategic Management Journal、Management Science上發(fā)表學術(shù)論文7篇,還有數(shù)篇論文處于Organization Science在審或修改狀態(tài)。歡迎廣大師生參加!附:Abstract: This study examines the sources of heterogeneity in the ability of firms to adapt to an exogenous, industry-wide demand shock. Such a shock differs from technology-based change in that the magnitude and composition of customer preferences undergoes a rapid and sudden shift. We aim to understand the sources of heterogeneous incumbent firm abilities to adapt to such a change. We propose that alternate pre-shock organization designs can influence post-shock adaptation ability via the different coordination challenges they present: namely, the need to coordinate across and within product-related activities (inter- and intra-product coordination). Building on an information processing view of the firm, we investigate the influence of this locus of coordination on a firm’s post-shock adaptation ability. We hypothesize that inter-product coordination can impede adaptation, with this effect enhanced by greater product complementarity and mitigated by greater organizational grouping. We find empirical support for our predictions and conceptual mechanisms using a large-sample panel dataset of firms in the U.S. defense industry during the years 1996 through 2006.