香港中文大學商學院馬旭飛副教授學術(shù)報告 2014-04-14 題 目:MNEs’ Within-host-country Strategy, Structure, and Performance報告人:馬旭飛副教授,香港中文大學商學院時 間:2014年4月15日(星期二)下午2:30-4:00地 點:bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)313教室AbstractA comprehensive review of the literature on MNEs’ strategy and structure suggests an important research gap, which is an intermediate level of analysis with a focus on the totality of an MNE’s subsidiaries within a single host country. By introducing the strategic roles of an MNE’s host country headquarters (HCHQ) in a large emerging market, we ask two questions: 1) How does the HCHQ facilitate an MNE’s within-host-country diversification? and 2) What determines the location choice of an MNE’s HCHQ? As an extension, we further ask another related question: How much does subnational location matter to foreign subsidiary performance? We address these questions in three empirical studies by using a large and longitudinal sample of MNEs’ foreign subsidiaries in China. We hope that this series of studies will help in generating a more complete picture of MNEs’ strategy, structure, and performance.馬旭飛副教授簡介:Xufei Ma (PhD, National University of Singapore) is an Associate Professor (tenured) in the Department of Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include multinational firms (business groups) into and from China, M&A and strategic alliances, and the extension of organizational theory in the setting of global strategy and emerging markets. He has published in the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of International Business Studies. He won the Haynez Prize for the Most Promising Scholar from the Academy of International Business. He is now a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Management Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, and a reprehensive at large for Asia Academy of Management. Papers used for the seminar:? Ma, X. &Delios, A. 2010. Host country headquarters and an MNE’s subsequent within-country diversifications. Journal of International Business Studies, 41: 517-525. ? Ma, X., Delios, A., & Lau, C.M. 2013. Beijing or Shanghai? The strategic location choice of large MNEs’ host country headquarters in China. Journal of International Business Studies, 44: 953-961. ? Ma, X., Tong, T. W., & Fitza, M. 2013. How much does subnational region matter to foreign subsidiary performance? Evidence from Fortune Global 500 corporations’ investment in China. Journal of International Business Studies, 44, 66-87. 歡迎廣大師生參加! bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)2014年4月14日