
bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)30周年院慶學術論壇之二十四——香港中文大學 Waiman Cheung教授學術報告 2014-06-26

講座嘉賓:Waiman Cheung(Prof., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dept of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics)

講座題目:Visibility Cloud of RFID-enabled Garment Supply Chains

講座時間:6月30日   15:00-16:00



Global brands strategically invest in supply chain manufacture capability in the Mainland, with cross border warehousing operations,

 pinpoint delivery to overseas markets, and eventually enrich end-user product experiences. This project aims to design and develop 

a visibility cloud (VC) for RFID-enabled supply chains. The VC enables any supply chain party’s rapid ascension into the cloud with a quick 

virtualized presence, optimal visibility environment and minimal carbon footprint.  The adoption follows a best practice SCOR-based 

supply chain visibility (SCV) reference framework.  End-to-end SCV is enabled anywhere anytime.  We leverage the rapid-prototyping of 

RFID-enabled visibility to firmly deploy hotspot systematically across the full supply chain from suppliers to overseas retailers. 

The garment supply chain will be fully RFID-enabled with big event data pushed to the cloud, and supply chain parties will be enabled with intelligent 

personalizable apps.  



