
講座題目:Finding Good Topics and Publishing in Good Journals 2017-04-10

題目:Finding Good Topics and Publishing in GoodJournals


時(shí)間: 2017417日星期一上午1000-12:00



This talk aims to give youngand junior researchers anunderstanding of how to do research and how to publish papers in good journals,especially in logistics and supply chain management area. Experience on how tofind good research topics and sample research works will be provided. Theintention is to provide a general guidance instead of a deep discussion of aparticular research topic.


Prof.Chung-Yee Lee is currently a Chair Professor/Cheong YingChan Professor of Engineering withthe Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology (HKUST). He is the Founding and CurrentDirector of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Institute at HKUST. He isalso the Director of Institutional Research and Senior Advisor to the Presidentat HKUST.  He served as Department Headfor seven years (2001–2008).  Beforejoined HKUST in 2001, he was Rockwell Chair Professor at Texas A&MUniversity. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers in U.S. andalso a Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. His research areasare in logistics and supply chain management, scheduling and inventorymanagement, with recent focus in ocean transport logistics and smart logisticsin e-commerce. He has published more than 150 papers in refereed journals.According to an article in Int. J. Prod. Eco.(2009), which looked at all paperspublished in the 20 core journals during last 50 years in the field ofproduction and operations management, he was ranked No. 6 among all researchersworldwide in citation-index. He received a B.S. degree in ElectronicEngineering (1972) and a MS degree in Management Sciences (1976) both fromNational Chiao-Tung University in Taiwan. He also received a M.S. degree inIndustrial Engineering from Northwestern University (1980) and Ph.D. degree inOperations Research from Yale University (1984).  
