
講座題目:Finding Justice: How Underpaid CEOs Respond to CSR 2017-07-05

講座題目:Finding Justice: How Underpaid CEOs Respond to CSR






Do CEOs engage in corporate social responsibility(CSR) for themselves or for others? On the one hand, CSR may provide a way for CEOs to pursue personal interests at the expense of shareholders; on the otherhand, CEOs may use CSR as an effective means to promote the welfare of stakeholders and to help firms gain long-term competitive advantages. This study tries to disentangle these two competing arguments in a unique context: when a CEO is significantly underpaid and feels unfairly treated. According tothe equity theory, underpaid CEOs attempt to restore fairness by eitherimproving their own benefits or reducing the benefits accrued to others. Withthe aim of restoring fairness, underpaid CEOs will engage more actively in CSR when the motive is self-serving, but less actively when the motive is other-regarding. With a sample of CEOs of S&P 1500 firmsfor 1996-2012, our results suggest that the self-serving motive works more saliently in the context of CEO underpayment. This effect is moderated by a setof factors at different levels (i.e., individual, group, and community) that either strengthen or weaken the perceived fairness. We discuss the implications of our findings for the CSR research and CEO compensation literature.

Key Words: CSR;CEO underpayment; fairness; injustice; equity theory; self-serving motive;other-regarding motive

AShort Bio of Dr. Yi TANG

YiTANG (Ph.D.) is currently an Associate Professor in Strategy at the Departmentof Management and Marketing, the Hong  Kong Polytechnic University. Dr. Tang also serves as a senior research fellow at the Center for Leadership and Innovation (CLI) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Dr. Tang received his PhD in Management from the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) in June, 2009. Dr. Tang has worked in there search areas including strategic leadership, social networks within and across organizations, and categories and identities in market contexts. His academic work has been published in leading management journals including Academyof Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journalof Management, Journal of Business Venturing, amongothers. Dr. Tang currently sits on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journaland Managementand Organization Review.

Dr. Tang has been invited to give research presentations in various research schools, including University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Chinese University of HongKong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, CEIBS, Singapore Management University, University of Lugano, Korea University, SKK GSB, Nanjing University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Sun Yat-sen University, and Jinan University. Dr. Tang has been a visiting scholar to Georgia State University in U.S. and University of Lugano in Switzerland.

Dr. Tang is a member of the Academy of Management(AOM), the Strategic Management Society (SMS), the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), and the International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). He was the finalist for Academy of Management(AOM) Wiley Black well Dissertation Award in 2010. Dr. Tang’s research has been included in the AOM Best Paper Proceedings for four times (2007, 2008, 2011,2014), nominated for the Best Paper Award at the IACMR Biannual Conference fortwo times (2010, 2012), nominated for the Best Conference Paper Award at the SMS Annual Conference (2015), and has been nominated for the Best Practical Paper Award at the SMS Annual Conferences for two times (2011, 2013).
