
講座題目: Career boundarylessness and career success: areview, integration and guide to future research. 2018-06-29

題目:Career boundarylessness and career success: areview, integration and guide to future research.



報(bào)告人:Yanjun Guan教授現(xiàn)任教于英國杜倫大學(xué),是組織行為學(xué)領(lǐng)域的知名教授,是Journal of Vocational Behaviour的副主編,同時(shí)擔(dān)任Human Relations, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal ofCareer Development等期刊的專業(yè)評(píng)審人。Yanjun Guan教授科研實(shí)力突出,尤其在職業(yè)發(fā)展等領(lǐng)域有著非常突出的研究貢獻(xiàn),頗負(fù)盛名。其多數(shù)文章發(fā)表在國際頂尖期刊上,如Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,Journal of Vocational Behavior,Journal ofManagement,Personnel Psychology。


The concept of boundaryless careers characterizesemerging career patterns that are less dependent on traditional organizationalcareer management. Based on an evidence-based review of literature on therelationship between career boundarylessness and career success published from1994 to 2018, we found that boundaryless careers have mixed effects on thevarious indictors of career success, and these effects depend on the operationalization of career boundarylessness, the motives (voluntary vs.involuntary), career competencies, adaptive capabilities and career resourcesheld by individuals, as well as the structural constraints and institutional supportfor boundary-crossing behaviors. In addition, career success was also found topredict subsequent career mobility. Based on these findings, we develop anintegrative model to understand the complicated and dynamic relationshipbetween boundaryless careers and career success. This review serves as animportant step to integrate theories and research on boundaryless careers andcareer success, and more interdisciplinary work should be done in the future toexamine this question.

