bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)博士生學位論文及學位申請成果公示(安剛) 2021-07-06 個人信息: 姓名:安剛 專業(yè):先進制造 學號:4115029007 班級:B1598 導師:汪應洛 劉人境 李錄賢 學位論文題目: 飛行控制系統(tǒng)研制技術(shù)風險管理方法及其在大型運輸類飛機中的應用 (涉密論文) 已發(fā)表論文目錄: [1] An G , Liu R J , Yin G Q . Fatigue Limit of Custom 465 with Surface Strengthening Treatment[J]. Materials, 2020, 13(1):238 (SCI: 000515499300238; EI: 20200908221531). [2] 安剛, 張濤, 成靜. 基于行為分析的移動應用眾包測試人員畫像方法研究[J]. 西北工業(yè)大學學報, 2017, 35(6):1083-1088. (EI: 20181605031961). [3] Li Y , An G , Li X . Complex Logic Control Algorithm and Simulation Application Based on Matrix Modeling[C]// MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, 179:01021 (EI: 20190306379967). [4] Li Y , An G , Li X , et al. Design of All Digital Flight Program Training Desktop Application System[C]// MATEC Web of Conferences, 2017, 114 (EI: 20173003980521). [5] Li Y , Li X , An G . Research on software architecture of high lift control system for large military and civil transport aircraft[C]// 2017 IEEE 2nd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). IEEE, 2017 (EI: 20174704442148). [6] An G , Li Y , Li X . Architecture Design of Aviation Fault-tolerant Computer Based on ARINC659 Bus Technology[C]// MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, 179(4):03025 (EI: 20190306379808). [7] An G , Yin G , Liu R . Dynamic Model for Planetary Gear Train in a Aircraft Rotary Actuator[C]// CSAA/IET International Conference on Aircraft Utility Systems (AUS 2018). 2018 (EI: 20184205944851). 專著: [1] 高亞奎,安剛.大型運輸機飛行控制系統(tǒng)試驗技術(shù),上海交通大學出版社,2015-12. [2] 安剛,. 飛行動力學,國防工業(yè)出版社,2017-01. 公示日期:2021年7月6日