[1] Junkai Wang, Baolei Qi, Muhammad Jameel Hussain. Whether institutional commitment affects its environmental protection investment? Evidence from the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment. European Management Review, 2024, Forthcoming. (SSCI二區(qū), ABS3)
[2] Liuchuang Li, Baolei Qi, Ashok Robin, and Rong Yang. The effect of enforcement action on audit fees and the audit reporting lag. Accounting and Business Research, 2022, 56(1):38-66 (ABS3、SSCI)
[3] Juan Mao, Baolei Qi, Guochang Zhang. The Scale and Scope of the Client Portfolio and Audit Quality at the Individual Auditor Level: Evidence from China. Accounting and Business Research (2023, Forthcoming).
[4] Jinghui Sun, Jianling Wang, Pamela Kent, Baolei Qi. Does Sharing the Same Network in Group Affiliated Firms Reduce Audit Quality? Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2020, 39(1): 1-20。(ABS3、SSCI )
[5] Baolei Qi, Jerry W. Lin, and Gaoliang Tian. “The Impact of Top Management Team Characteristics on the Choice of Earnings Management Strategies: Evidence from China” Accounting Horizons, 2018, 32 (1): 132-154. (ABS3、SSCI)
[6] Hua Feng, Ahsan, Habib, Heady Huang, and Baolei Qi. “Auditor Industry Specialization and Stock Price Crash Risk: Individual-Level Evidence”. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2021, 28(4): 427-453 (SSCI).
[7] Jinghui Sun, Pamela Kent, Baolei Qi, and Jiwei Wang. CFO Demographic Characteristics and Fraudulent Financial Reporting in China. Accounting and Finance, 2019, 59:2705-2734. (ABS3 星期刊、SSCI 二區(qū))
[8] Xing Li, Xia Chen, Baolei Qi, and Gaoliang Tian. Employee quality and audit fee: evidence from China. Accounting and Finance, 2020, 60(5):4533-4566. (ABS3 星期刊)
[9] Junkai Wang, Baolei Qi, Yan Li. Does institutional commitment affect ESG performance of firms? Energy Economics. 2024, 130, 107302. (SSCI一區(qū), ABS3)
[10] Haowen Tian, Junkai Wang*. Navigating the Storm: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Transformed M&A Landscape. Finance Research Letters, 2023, 59: 104834. (SSCI一區(qū), ABS2)
[11] Junkai Wang, Baolei Qi, Nie Yaoxiang, Muhammad Jameel Hussain. Will the investment environment in the region where the company is located affect its financial risk? Evidence from Chinese listed companies. Finance Research Letters, 2023, 57: 104218. (SSCI一區(qū), ABS2)
[12] Junkai Wang, Baolei Qi, Nie Yaoxiang. Influence of Female Directors’ Foreign Experience on Green Commitment. Employee Relations, 2023. Online. (SSCI二區(qū), ABS2)
[13] Baolei Qi*, Rong Yang, and Gaoliang Tian. “Can Media Deter Management from Manipulating Earnings? Evidence from China”. Review of Quantitative Finance & Accounting, 2014, 42: 571-597.
[14] Juan Mao, Baolei Qi, Qian Xu. “Does International Accounting Network Membership Affect Audit Quality? Evidence from Chinese Small Firms”, The Journal of International Accounting, 2017, 52 (3): 262-278. (ESCI)
[15] Baolei Qi, Liuchuang Li, Jinghui Sun, and Qing Zhou. “Does Internal Control over Financial Reporting Really Alleviate Agency Conflicts?” Accounting and Finance, 2017, 57 (4): 1101-1125. (ABS3 星期刊、SSCI 二區(qū))
[16] Baolei Qi, Rong Yang and Gaoliang Tian. “Do Social Ties between Individual Auditors and Client CEOs/CFOs Matter to Audit Quality?” Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 24 (3-4): 440-463. (SSCI)
[17] Nan Hu*, Baolei Qi, Gaoliang Tian, and Yao Lee. “The Impact of Ineffective Internal Control on the Value-Relevance of Accounting Information”. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2013 20 (3): 334-347. (SSCI)
[18] Nan Hu*, Xu Li, Ling Liu, Baolei Qi, and Gaoliang Tian. “Can government policies induce unethical earnings management behavior? Evidence from Chinese public listed firms”. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting. 2012, 23:3, 187-207. (SSCI/SCI)
[19] Jie Han, Indranil, Bose, Nan Hu, Baolei Qi, and Gaoliang Tian. “Does director interlock impact corporate R&D investment?” Decision Support Systems, 2015, 71: 28-36. (ABS3 星期刊、SSCI 二區(qū))
[20] 齊保壘、崔曉玉. “安居”才能“樂業(yè)”——基于員工購房壓力與企業(yè)創(chuàng)新的檢驗. 財貿(mào)研究, 2023年,34(01):82-97.
[21] 孫澤宇、齊保壘*. 社會信任、法律環(huán)境與企業(yè)社會責任績效,北京工商大學學報(社會科學版),2022,37(01):77-87.
[22] 齊保壘*、杜英、孫澤宇. 資本市場開放與企業(yè)避稅-基于“滬港通”和“深港通”交易制度的準自然實驗. 財貿(mào)研究, 2021, 8: 72-98. (CSSCI檢索)
[23] 孫澤宇、齊保壘*. 多個大股東并存與審計師定價決策. 審計與經(jīng)濟研究,2021, 4: 46-56. (CSSCI檢索)
[24] 孫澤宇、齊保壘*. 資本市場開放與高管薪酬契約有效性—基于滬深港通交易制度的準自然實驗. 當代財經(jīng),2021, 1: 124-136. (CSSCI檢索)
[25] 孫澤宇、齊保壘*. 放松賣空管制與企業(yè)社會責任——基于融資融券制度的準自然實驗,當代財經(jīng),2020, 02: 125-137. (CSSCI檢索)
[26] 孫澤宇、齊保壘*. 基于非正式制度的有限激勵作用——基于地區(qū)信任環(huán)境對企業(yè)創(chuàng)新影響的實證研究。山西財經(jīng)大學學報,2020, 42(3): 31-46. (CSSCI檢索)
[27] 齊保壘*、田高良. 基于財務報告的內(nèi)部控制缺陷影響因素研究. 管理評論,第24卷,第4期,133-140頁,2012 (國家自然科學基金委A類期刊)
[28] 孫澤宇、齊保壘*. 資本市場開放與大股東掏空_基于滬深港通交易制度的經(jīng)驗證據(jù). 金融經(jīng)濟學研究,2020, 35(4): 94-107. (CSSCI檢索)
[29] 孫澤宇、齊保壘*. 資本市場開放與企業(yè)創(chuàng)新_基于滬深港通交易制度的準自然實驗. 科技進步與對策,2020, 38(8): 109-117. (CSSCI檢索)
[30] 齊保壘*、田高良、李留闖. 上市公司內(nèi)部控制缺陷與財務報告信息質(zhì)量. 管理科學,第23卷,第4期,38-47頁,2010 (國家自然科學基金委A類期刊,CSSCI檢索)
[31] 田高良、齊保壘*、李留闖. 基于財務報告的內(nèi)部控制缺陷披露影響因素研究. 南開管理評論,第13卷,第4期,134-141頁,2010 (國家自然科學基金委A類期刊,CSSCI檢索)
[32] 田高良、李留闖*、齊保壘. 連鎖董事、財務績效和公司價值. 管理科學,第24卷,第3期,13-24頁,2011 (國家自然科學基金委A類期刊,CSSCI檢索)
[33] 田高良、李留闖*、齊保壘. 內(nèi)部控制鑒證報告的信號失靈和甄別:一個本土化的實證研究. 南開管理評論,第14卷,第5期,109-117頁,2011 (國家自然科學基金委A類期刊,CSSCI檢索)
[34] 田高良、齊保壘*、王凱. 股票市場政策對上市公司盈余管理活動的影響_基于中國股票市場的實證研究. 經(jīng)濟與管理研究,第8期,105-115頁,2011 (CSSCI檢索)
[35] 田高良、齊保壘*、程遙. 內(nèi)部控制缺陷對會計信息價值相關性的影響_針對中國股票市場的經(jīng)驗研究. bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)學報(社會科學版),第31卷,第5期,27-31頁,2011(CSSCI檢索)
[36] 齊保壘*、田高良. 財務報告內(nèi)部控制缺陷披露影響因素研究_基于深市上市公司的實證分析. 山西財經(jīng)大學學報,第32卷,第4期,114-120頁,2010 (CSSCI檢索)
[37] 田高良*、朱莎莎、齊保壘. 后金融危機時期的公允價值會計. bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)學報(社會科學版),第30卷,第5期, 11-15頁,2011 (CSSCI檢索)
Working Papers
[1] Pengcheng Wang, Junkai Wang, Baolei Qi. Artificial Intelligence and Supply Chain Optimization. Production and Operations Management. (UTD24,第一輪返修, 大修). (SSCI一區(qū), ABS4, UTD24)
[2] Xiaoyu Cui, Mark DeFond, Baolei Qi, Jieying Zhang. Audit partners’ Appraisal Expertise and M&A Outcomes. The Accounting Review (UTD24, Under Review, first round)
[3] Xiaoyu Cui, Yangyang Fan, Baolei Qi, Guochuang Zhang. Boardroom Network Centrality and Trade Credit. Accounting Horizons (Under review, second round).
[4] Jeffery Pittman, Baolei Qi, Guochang Zhang, Yuping Zhao. The Importance of Social Capital to Individual Auditors. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (Under review, second round).
[5] Junkai Wang, Baolei Qi. Unleashing R&D Potential: Assessing the Impact of PRI Membership on Enhancing Research and Development Capabilities in Chinese Institutions. International Review of Financial Analysis. (第二輪返修,小修). (SSCI一區(qū), ABS3)
[6] Junkai Wang, Baolei Qi. Is it more investment value for analysts to pay attention to and give a buy rating for the first time? Journal of Forecasting. (第一輪返修, 小修). (SSCI二區(qū), ABS2)
[7] Adnan Ashraf, Charle Cai, Baolei Qi. Effect of Tick-Size Increase on Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from SEC’s Tick Size Pilot Program 2016. British Accounting Review (第一輪返修,小修),(SSCI二區(qū), ABS3)
[8] Xiaoyu Cui, Mark DeFond, Baolei Qi, Jieying Zhang. Audit partners’ Appraisal Expertise and Goodwill Impairment. Working Paper.
[9] Jeffery Pittman, Baolei Qi, Zeyu Sun, Zitian Wang. Stock market liberalization, investment banks, and analyst forecast quality: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. Working Paper.
[1] Liuchuang Li, Baolei Qi*, Gaoliang Tian, and Guochang Zhang. “The Contagion Effect of Low-quality Audits at the Level of Individual Auditors”. 獲得2020年教育部高等學校優(yōu)秀科研成果(人文社科類)二等獎。
[2] 齊保壘、田高良、司毅、李星等. 簽字注冊會計師社會資本與審計行為:基于社會網(wǎng)絡視角. 獲得2023年陜西高等學??茖W技術研究優(yōu)秀成果獎,特等獎。
[3] 于忠泊、田高良、齊保壘、張皓,《媒體關注的公司治理機制——基于盈余管理視角的考查》,獲得第七屆教育部高等學校優(yōu)秀科研成果(人文社科類)三等獎。
[4] 田高良、于忠泊、李留闖、齊保壘等,媒體報道發(fā)揮公司治理作用的機制研究:理論分析與實證檢驗. 獲得獲得2023年度陜西省科學技術二等獎。
[5] “基于COSO內(nèi)部控制與風險管理整合框架的上市公司財務危機實時預警系統(tǒng)研究” (2008.01.01-2010.12.31,資助號:70772110)獲得2014年度陜西省科學技術三等獎。
[6] 田高良,齊保壘,李留闖,《基于財務報告的內(nèi)部控制缺陷披露影響因素研究》獲得陜西省會計學會2011年度會計與財務學優(yōu)秀論文一等獎。2011年4月。
[7] 于忠泊、田高良、齊保壘、張皓,《媒體關注的公司治理機制——基于盈余管理視角的考查》獲得中國會計學會優(yōu)秀論文三等獎,2012年7月。
[8] 于忠泊、田高良、齊保壘、張皓,《媒體關注的公司治理機制——基于盈余管理視角的考查》獲得陜西省會計學會2011年度優(yōu)秀論文特等獎,2012年4月。
[9] Nan Hu*, Baolei Qi, Gaoliang Tian, and Yao Lee. “The Impact of Ineffective Internal Control on the Value-Relevance of Accounting Information” 獲得中國會計學會優(yōu)秀論文二等獎,2014年7月。
[10] “基于COSO內(nèi)部控制與風險管理整合框架的上市公司財務危機實時預警系統(tǒng)研究” (2008.01.01-2010.12.31,資助號:70772110)獲得2014年度陜西省高等院??茖W技術一等獎。
[1] 田高良、張俊瑞、齊保壘等. 數(shù)值時代產(chǎn)教融合協(xié)同培養(yǎng)ACCA國際化會計人才新范式探索與實踐. 獲得2022年度陜西省教學成果二等獎,獲獎編號:SJX211317-1.
[2] 田高良、張俊瑞、齊保壘等. 會計學“一流專業(yè)”的研究與實踐. 獲得2019年度陜西省高等教育教學改革重點項目。
[3] 田高良、齊保壘等. ACCA財務管理F9,被評為2019年度國際精品在線開放課程。
[4] 齊保壘指導的MPACC學生獲得2017年度全國會計碩士專業(yè)學位優(yōu)秀學位論文。
[5] 齊保壘指導的本科實習團隊2016-2024年連續(xù)八年獲得bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)本科生專業(yè)實習優(yōu)秀實習團隊。