



題目:Tracing Value Added and ldentify GVCActivities in the Presence of Foreign DirectInvestment and Multinational Firms

作者: 編輯:賈峰菊 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-09-20

講座題目:Tracing Value Added and ldentify GVCActivities in the Presence of Foreign DirectInvestment and Multinational Firms

報(bào)告人:Zhi Wang, Professor of Economics, George MasonUniversity, former professor and OverseasAcademic Dean of RIGVC, UIBE

講座時(shí)間:2023年9月22日(周五)上午 8:30 - 11:00


報(bào)告人簡(jiǎn)介:Zhi Wang is a senior researcher at the school of policy, government, andinternational affairs at George Mason University. Formerly served as a professor andfounding dean of the RIGVC, UIBE. Held positions at institutions including theUniversity of Minnesota, Purdue University, the Economic Research Service of theU.S. Department of Agriculture, the College of Science at George Mason Universityand department of commerce of BEA. Recipient of the Sun Yefang Economics Prizein 2002 and 2020. Co-editor of the Global Value Chain Development Reports in 2017and 2019.

講座簡(jiǎn)介:We developed a unified framework to decompose production and output in net andgross terms simultaneously to identify, measure and characterize GVC activities irthe presence of foreian direct investment (FDI) and Multinational Enterprises(MNEs). By decomposing both GDP and gross inputs based on forward linkages orboth final production and gross output based on backward linkages, this newframework accounts for the presence of foreign-invested enterprises (FlEs), theilinteractions with local firms in the host countries as well as their activities irinternational trade. The size of the GVC activities identified and measured by thisframework more than doubles what measured in the previous literature that treatsFIEs the same as local firms. The "missing GVC activities are more serious forhigh-tech manufacturing sectors and knowledge-intensive service sectors than folindustries with a lower R8D intensity, and more serious for upper middle- and highincome economies than that for low middle-income economies.
