題 目: The Future of Accounting inthe Big Data Age
時 間:2018年5月29日星期二晚上19:00-21:00
地 點:bwin必贏唯一官網313
Dr Wang Jiwei has over 15 years’ academia andindustry experience in corporate reporting, financial analysis and businessvaluation. Dr Wang has been doing applied research on international accountingstandards, corporate governance, and related-party transactions. He publishesresearch papers in international journals such as China Economic Review,Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Banking and Finance, and Journalof Business Ethics. He served on the editorial boards to International Journalof Accounting,International Journal of Business, and Singapore Accountant. He iscurrently on the Judging Panel of the Singapore’s Best Annual Report CorporateAward. His research has been profiled in the Financial Times and the StraitsTimes.
Dr Wang holds a PhD in Accounting from Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology and a Bachelor of Economics (Accounting)from Xi’an Jiaotong University. He is a Fellow of CPA Australia.