講座題目:ProactivePersonality and Behavior: Where have we been and where do we need to go?
報告人:J. MichaelCrant,美國圣母大學教授
Since professorBateman and professor Crant first introduced the idea of proactive personalityin a paper published 25 years ago (Bateman & Crant, 1993), the concepts ofproactive personality and behavior have emerged as important constructs in thefield of organizational behavior. A large number of empirical studies,dissertations, conference presentations, books, and meta-analyses are testamentto the core role that a proactive orientation plays in the world of work. Inthis presentation, professor Crant will draw from both his own research andthat of other scholars to establish what we know about proactivity, and offersome ideas about possible future research directions. Professor Crant will alsopresent a brief overview of a current empirical paper to provide an example of hispresent work on the topic.
學者簡介:J. Michael Crant教授從1993年一直任教在美國圣母大學門多薩商學院,是組織行為學領域的知名學者。他對主動性人格和組織行為的研究眾所周知,是這些領域的思想領袖,是被高度引用的學者之一?,F(xiàn)為Personnel Psychology, Journal of Business and Psychology等期刊的編委會成員,是Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal ofApplied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and HumanDecision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of AppliedSocial Psychology等期刊的特設審稿人。主要研究方向:主動性人格、個體差異、印象管理、自我妨礙行為、中國情景的人格和組織行為。多數(shù)文章發(fā)表在國際知名期刊上,如Academy ofManagement Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management,Personnel Psychology, Organization Science, Journal of Organizational Behavior,Journal of Business and Psychology,Journalof Applied Social Psychology等。