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美國工程院院士Prof. James Tien 學術講座

作者: 編輯: 發(fā)布時間:2018-09-14

題目:Convergenceto Real-Time Decision Making



主講人:Prof. JamesTien  University of Miami


The advent of real-timedecision making reflects the convergence of a range of digital technologies,including those concerned with the decision making process and the promulgationof artificial intelligence and other decision-related technologies. Central toreal-time decision making is the concept of a servgood, which the authorintroduced in an earlier paper [Tien 2015]; it can be thought of as a physicalgood or product enveloped by a services-oriented layer that makes the goodsmarter or more adaptable and customizable for a particular use. Adding anotherlayer of physical sensors could then enhance its smartness and intelligence,especially if it were connected with other servgoods through the Internet ofThings, mobile networks, global positioning links, and autonomous systems, alltechnologies that are considered herein. Such connected servgoods constitute afoundation for the advanced products of the future; they will display theirgrowing smartness through enhanced real-time decision making. Indeed,autonomous systems can be considered to be the exemplar servgoods of tomorrow;it is about decision informatics and embraces the evolving technologies ofsensing (i.e., Big Data), processing (i.e., real-time analytics), reacting(i.e., real-time decision making), and learning (i.e., deep neural networks).Since autonomous vehicles constitute a major quality-of-life disruption, it isalso critical to consider its policy impact on privacy and security,regulations and standards, and liability and insurance. Finally, just as theSoviet Union initiated the space age on October 4, 1957, with the launch of Sputnik, the first man-made object toorbit the Earth, the United States of America has initiated an age ofdecision-focused automata – including autonomous vehicles – that can beconsidered to be the U. S. Sputnik of connected servgoods, with the fullsupport of the U. S. government, the U. S. auto industry, the U. S. electronicindustry, and the U.S. enterprise in higher education.


James M. Tien received theBEE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and the SM, EE and PhD from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology. He has held leadership positions at BellTelephone Laboratories, at the Rand Corporation, and at Structured DecisionsCorporation. He joined the Department of Electrical, Computer and SystemsEngineering at RPI in 1977, became Acting Chair of the department, joined aunique interdisciplinary Department of Decision Sciences and EngineeringSystems as its founding Chair, and twice served as the Acting Dean ofEngineering. In 2007, he was recruited by the University of Miami to be aDistinguished Professor and Dean of its College of Engineering; effective 2016,he stepped down from the Dean’s position and remains a Distinguished Professor.He has been awarded the IEEE Joseph G. Wohl Outstanding Career Award, the IEEE MajorEducational Innovation Award, the IEEE Norbert Wiener Award, and the IBMFaculty Award. He is also an elected member of the U. S. National Academy ofEngineering.
