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Resolving The Paradox of Openness: The Joint Influence of Appropriability and Organizational Innovation

Date:Sep 22, 2023 Click:


Presenter: Prof. Pek Hooi Soh

Time: 10:00 am, Oct 9th

Locate: Room 311, Wenguan Building

Abstract: In innovation, firms need to collaborate with diverse actors and are simultaneously exposed to misappropriation risks. In examining this paradox of openness, Laursen and Salter (2014) identify a concave relationship between appropriability strategy and the breadth of firm openness in the UK manufacturing sector. They find the relationship stronger for formal collaboration breadth than for external search breadth and weaker when firms exclude their competitors. We replicate their analysis using a sample of Spanish manufacturing firms and find the concave relationship consistent for both formal collaboration and external search. We further reveal the complex relationship by incorporating the contingent role of organizational innovation. Specifically, firms can benefit from collaborating with diverse actors, including competitors, by improving internal processes and dedicating managerial attention to firm openness.

Bio: Pek Hooi Soh is a Professor of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University. Her research interests lie in three broad, intersecting areas: strategy, technological innovation, and entrepreneurship. Her work has appeared in leading journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy and Journal of Business Venturing. She currently serves on the editorial board of Journal of Business Venturing and has been an active peer reviewer for more than a dozen business and engineering management journals.
